If we discover both room T+P superconductor and viable fusion on year Y, at which Y will we see first city like this ?
Y+2 or earlier
Y+4 or earlier
Y+6 or earlier
Y+8 or earlier
Y+10 or earlier
Y+12 or earlier
If we discover both room T+P superconductor and viable fusion on year Y, at which Y will we see the first city like this :
Resolve N/A if superconductor and fusion are not achieved in the mentionned 1 year timeframe
Other picture implicit features that the city must have to resolve positively :
Must be sustainable and made out of sustainable materials
Must more or less merge with nature in shapes and functions
Must include all features to sustain long term inhabitation
Does not necesarly have to be shiny white (but it would be cooler).
Ultimately resolve to my personal appreciation of enough similarity with the picture and implicit features.
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