"The time of an Extra-vehicular Activity (EVA), commonly known as a spacewalk, is measured by the duration from when the astronauts switch their spacesuits to internal power until the time they switch back to the spacecraft's power upon re-entry." But now I'm told there is no "internal power" at all for the suits. I think this should resolve as NA because the written resolution criteria is clearly nonsensical. When betting, I went by my guess on what the criteria ment, and assumed there is some internal power period when the astronauts are outside the capsule or thereabouts.
SpaceX clock has the EVA as 1hr+. If you use this definition I think maybe not?
@SamuelWestwood On the bottom comment, Gordon commented on what counts as an EVA.
"The time of an Extra-vehicular Activity (EVA), commonly known as a spacewalk, is measured by the duration from when the astronauts switch their spacesuits to internal power until the time they switch back to the spacecraft's power upon re-entry."
If the two astronauts are on suit power at the same time, I will only count this time once, otherwise I'll add them together (even though technically that would be two EVAs)
Best I can tell that's basically the same thing SpaceX is tracking
@Goodgulf Initially it wasn't clear whether SpaceX was going to give a clear time. I tried to press Gordon on details because I was afraid of exactly this kind of ambiguity.
The apogee-raising burn is now complete. The Polaris Dawn crew and Dragon are now on their way to an altitude of ~1,400 km
not quite enough to resolve but getting close
This one resolves Yes, the other months resolve No