Is AI alignment a grift?
resolved Apr 8

Resolves YES, but only once this becomes a common view

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predicted YES

“You could have trained GPT-4 for the cost of yud’s food budget” (Overheard on GPT-4)

predicted YES

When even azn wmn are dunking safe to say they’ve lost any deniability

predicted YES


sold Ṁ53 of YES

Someone make a market on "Is 'Is AI alignment a grift?' a grift?"

predicted YES

Every day I check twitter

Every day someone 💩 s on aligncels

predicted YES

Overheard on doge

predicted YES
bought Ṁ60 of YES

Much like the FDA, it's all Safety Theater.

bought Ṁ40 of YES

It'll end up like cryptocurrency: A small core of people who've thought deeply about it and believe they have some genuine concerns, and a huge mass of grifters flooding into the AI hype, and raising a ton of money to start companies that do nothing useful and fleece investors.

So, a real problem that one could make real progress on, but the "common view" will be whatever people are tweeting and podcasting about, and that will be effectively a grift.

I don't like this operationalization