Will any market in the "logan paul" category achieve 200 traders by the end of September?
resolved Sep 19

Logan Paul needs to be in the title or related to the description.

If you pull something sketchy where a random market is added to the group, I will ignore it, and say mean things about you online. Has to be a genuine logan paul market.

Easier market /Gen/will-any-market-in-the-logan-paul-c

Get Ṁ200 play money

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predicted YES

Operation Logan Paul was a success

predicted YES

1 more

bought Ṁ10,000 of YES

@Gen ok I was the 1

bought Ṁ3,333 of YES

This market is the closest, at 193 traders. I just want to share it here as I want to avoid edge cases where someone removes it from the Logan Paul group on the last day, etc.

bought Ṁ59 NO

@pea i need a new pair of shoes

bought Ṁ58 of NO

@pea it’s occurred to me that this says the end of september. and not by close of market. Oops

bought Ṁ100 of YES

@pea oh. it should have been set to close at the end of the month...

predicted YES

@pea If you are eager to sell out, do so now, and I will partially reimburse you for any losses

predicted NO

@Gen it’s okay, thanks for the offer though. i’ll ride it out. it’s all part of the joy of reading comprehension and whiplash ❤️

bought Ṁ100 of YES

This tweet promoting manifold from dillon dannis might help https://twitter.com/dillondanis/status/1698137837671965069

bought Ṁ10 of NO

Does this market count?

bought Ṁ10 of YES

@capybara I'm going to say no... I want to promote activity in that group specifically, for real markets about logan paul

@Gen why

predicted YES