Will there be another coup d'état in Africa before the end of this year 2023?
resolved Jan 8

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predicted YES

Bad market. Should have resolved NA at minimum.

predicted YES
predicted YES

@FranckTsekouang You should have specified weeks and weeks ago. Bad market.

predicted NO

@FranckTsekouang Resolves NO?

predicted NO

Shouldn't it be resolved to NO by now?


  1. Your market closed apparently 15 days early. I am going to extend it to the end of 2023 right now.

  2. The participants below have asked for clarification of whether it needs to be a 'successful' coup or not. There seems to be a norm on the site that 'coup' by itself implies a successful coup, but not every creator has used the term this way. If you don't show up by the end of the year, some Moderator is probably going to resolve this on your behalf.

predicted NO

Inactive creator. No criteria, debate over if “coup” implies success. I’d say N/A?

predicted YES

"On 28 November, Bah called the incident "a failed attempted coup" which was intended "to illegally subvert and overthrow a democratically elected government.” - Information Minister Chernor Bah

Time to resolve as yes. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2023_Freetown_attacks

sold Ṁ112 of NO

@ThrowingTofu I guess it comes down to semantics. The websters definition says it is the actual act of overthrowing the government, while Wikipedia refers to the mere attempt of doing so as a coup.

predicted YES

@Thomas42 so there is no such thing as a failed coup going by websters?

@ThrowingTofu I think there is such a thing, it's just not a subset of "coup".

predicted YES

@EvanDaniel interesting, I'll have a look at what I can maybe find. Otherwise I move for resolution on 'if a coup is attempted then resolve yes'

@FranckTsekouang can you clarify if it must be a successful coup?

Need it be successful?

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