Will the Supplemental Poverty Measure in the USA be higher in 2023 than it was in 2022?
Nov 2

"Every year, the Census Bureau releases two poverty measures: the official poverty measure and the SPM.

The official poverty measure defines poverty by comparing pretax money income to a poverty threshold adjusted by family size, number of children and age of householder.

The SPM expands this definition by including income and payroll taxes, tax credits and other noncash benefits like Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program (SNAP) and housing subsidies. Necessary expenses such as child support paid, child care and medical expenses are deducted" (from census.gov)

In 2022, the SPM increased for the first time since the measure was introduced to 12.4%.

Resolves YES if the 2023 SPM is higher than 12.4%. Resolves NO otherwise. The numbers usually come out in September.

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The SPM increased last year in correlation with COVID benefits expiring. It seems to me that without more benefits being taken away, the SPM won't rise any further.