Will it be revealed that at least 3 people with Wikipedia articles have done IQ selection on their children before 2028?

At any point before 2028 we need to be able to produce a list of 3+ people who at that time:

  1. have wikipedia articles for them as an individual

  2. have admitted to using IQ selection via polygentic testing of multipe embroys + IVF, or CRISPR to increase IQ, or similar non-natural genetic techniques on at least one of their children

The techniquest must be done before birth and must be genetic (not nurtitional/environmental). If the birth is via artificial womb that's fine.

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Has anyone done that or declared such intention, yet?

@wadimiusz people aren't saying but at some point news will break

@Ernie I am >50% that Musk has done it.

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