I'll be able to buy a robot which can carry me in a rickshaw or palanquin style thing.
Admissable: I sit in a chair and a legged robot carries/drags me. Or, I ride on his or in his back and he carries me. Or, he and other robots hold a seat which I sit on, in traditional palanquin style, with poles, or something similar. Or, other variants which reasonably satisfy 1) buy a thing 2) tell it to carry you somewhere 3) it walks/treads (not rolls) to the location 4) it doesn't go on a road, it goes on human paths.
it does not have to work on rough terrain - just flat, paved etc limitations or sidewalks only is still fine. Not working in rain or bad weather is fine. It at least has to work on a clear flat pavement on a sunny day in the daytime.
it can carry me (~180lbs)
it has some kind of leg or tread (not flying, not wheels). If it has wheels on the end of robot legs or tentacles, that is okay. If it has some robo legs and also happens to have legs on the body, that's okay. but it has to be able to move significantly with robo legs / arms / etc. not just wheels.
It has to only carry one full size person. This is not a robotaxi or car variant. This is a walking/treading robot that can go at least some places that humans usually walk.
It has to cost at most 150k USD (2024 equivalent, inflation adjusted), and it it has to be relatively publicly available.
If it happens by mid 2034 then YES
Pictures for illustration purposes only, the claim has to basically satisfy the stipulations above:

Would a "Strandbeest" style mechanism qualify?
I feel like this is easier than actual legs with multiple actuated degrees of freedom (even though the self-driving part is still hard)