Will my theory of writing direction and shoulder function be accepted by at least fifteen scientists by the end of 2024?
resolved Nov 27

I.e., the ancient Athenians (the kings of bad shoulders) and Soviets (the heart of feminine cursive) were WRONG on writing direction, and the Arabs, Persians, Hebrews (only for speedwriting), and pre-socialist Chinese, Japanese, and Koreans (for normal writing) were RIGHT. The correct way to write left to right scripts is exclusively with the LEFT hand, and this is the primary, if not the exclusive, explanation for the so-called "left-handed advantage" in the West, as well as the so-called "superior feminine handwriting", especially in cursive.

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Dont need small, ambiguous markets from banned creators to be left open. Plus I dont think it's the case with this market, but ppl might have traded on the assumption that eharding would have resolved it some certain unusual way.

Reopening to 2024-12-31 for lack of any other idea what to do. The creator is banned and I don't know that I am supposed to N/A something just because the creator is banned.

predicted NO

@Eliza I can always ask Eharding how it should resolve at the end of 2024.

@IsaacKing My understanding is even a banned creator can (as of now) resolve markets, also. And there seem to be enough details in the criteria that we could attempt resolve it even without the creator.

predicted NO

@Eliza Yeah, so I see no problem with leaving this open until the intended close date and ensuring that it gets resolved correctly at that time.

Basically, I've become a much smarter Jaynes, McLuhan, McKenzie, Mark Brahmin, and Darwin... all rolled into one.

A little known fact is that the Judahites pioneered mass literacy before the Greeks. There is no way to explain the Bible without at least 10% male literacy, more likely 20%.
@ian why so confident?