Will anyone run up the Manifold stairs in less than 10 seconds?
resolved Apr 6

We are having our office warming party! Neither Manifold Markets nor myself take responsibility for any injuries that may occur. Running up stairs is stupid. Only attempt at your own risk.

For reference, I attempted it once and managed to get a time of around 11 seconds. So it's definitely doable.

A valid attempt should meet the following:
1. You must start with one foot on the ground floor of the stairs. You may start with the other foot on the steps in a sprung position.
2. You must time yourself on your phone and press the start button whilst one of your feet is still on the ground floor. (I'd recommend holding it in your left hand so you can use your right to hold the bannister as your run up).

3. You may click the stop bottom once both feet are off the stairs touching the 3rrd floor, the one which our office is located on.

Good Luck!

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@NoaNabeshima This is from running up the stairs!