What will I regret about the format of my lawsuit outcome markets?
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I've been creating a lot of "what will be the outcome of X lawsuit" markets. I think this was an unfilled niche. mostly because it's very difficult to enumerate all possible outcomes of a lawsuit.







The markets I've been making are linked multiple choice with no "other" options, which means traders can see exactly the set of outcomes they're betting on, and the multiple choices means more granularity than binaries of "will X win", which can be fine but also have ambiguity around settlements/plea bargains/etc.

However, none of them have resolved yet and I'd like to know in advance if the setup is going to create headaches for me.

A good answer to this question gives a possible outcome to any one of the trials that is underspecified or not well covered by the existing options.

A great answer gives a category of possible outcomes across many trials that is underspecified/not covered, and gives a recommendation for how to handle it for existing markets as well as how to incorporate it in the future.

I'll give out bounty roughly Ṁ50 to good answers and at least Ṁ100 to great answers, potentially more. More than one suggestion per comment is definitely allowed.

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