If Manifold creates a "pay-to-boost" feature, will the pricing be auction-based?
resolved Mar 17

Discussed in this feature request post.

If Manifold creates a system whereby market creators can pay mana to boost their market on the homepage/ManaSwipe/other places, will that payment be an auction-based price? (i.e., bidding against other users for boost capacity)

Market closes by end of 2025.

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does manifold.markets/ad count?
it's not currently auction based but it's on my to-possibly-do list after I somehow get more ad creators

predicted YES

@Sinclair Yes I would count Manifold ads if it was auction-based (and that would be cool!)

bought แน€25 of YES

Although since Manifold already released a "pay-to-boost" feature and it was not auction based originally, maybe this market should already resolve negatively. LMK if traders have any opinions

bought แน€570 of NO

@CarsonGale Yeah I'm confused by what's going on here. It sounds like you believe that the ads feature satisfies your criteria for a "pay-to-boost" system, and it's not auction-based, so this should resolve NO?

ok but what if it is auction based before the end of the year

predicted YES

Yeah I think as written this market should resolve no, which I'll do now. But I think auction-based would be really cool @Sinclair !

predicted NO

Yeah, some way to modify the price in response to demand would be nice. I think M$10 is overpriced at the moment; it's negative EV for me to take out ads on my markets.