Will at least 1 out of 100 pedestrians wear an AR headset on a street near me in 2030?

Right now, augmented reality headsets are too bulky and awkward for most people to wear in everyday life. This could change once technology allows for more stylish and convenient devices, like an improved version of Google Glass. AR could help people effortlessly navigate, read signs in unfamiliar languages, and more.

In January 2030, I will go to the nearest street near my home where I expect to see a lot of people walking, such as a downtown area with shops and restaurants. I will count 100 walking people and note whether they're wearing an AR headset. If at least one person is clearly wearing a headset, this market resolves YES; otherwise it resolves NO.

AR glasses or similar would count as a headset. I don't think anyone would be walking while wearing a purely-VR headset since they'd just bump into things, but VR headsets would count too.

I currently live in the Bay Area. By 2030, I'll very likely still live somewhere in the U.S., probably near a tech hub.

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I think this is highly dependent on what country you live in/will live in 2030

@thepurplebull Good point, I added this to the description