Let us say that an n-state binary-tape Turing machine weakly solves chess in k steps if the following all hold:
The TM terminates in under k steps on any input.
Whenever the TM receives as input a chess position represented in FEN encoded on its tape in ASCII, the TM halts with another valid position in FEN on the tape, representing the position after a legal move.
When this algorithm for choosing moves plays all the moves for one player, it achieves the optimal outcome (win, loss, or draw) regardless of the opponent's play.
Let N be the smallest natural such that there exist n,k where N = n*k and there is an n-state binary-tape Turing machine weakly solving chess in k steps. This market resolves to all answers indicating values at or above N.
I may resolve some answers early if someone in the comments can prove how they resolve, but no guarantees about reading very long comments claiming proofs.