Will either of the major US political parties have an open nominating convention?
resolved Jul 29
Republican Party
Democratic Party

This will resolve YES for either party if the presumptive nominee (currently Biden or Trump) is not the chosen nominee at the convention and creates a situation where the parties themselves nominate a candidate based on criteria other than that person securing the majority of delegates from the primary elections.

Examples for Clarification

-Would resolve YES if Trump secured 50%+ of delegates and then was indicted and Republicans voted for another candidate at the convention (even if it only took 1 vote and was unanimous)

-Would resolve NO if Biden dropped out in February with enough time for Harris to win the majority of delegates in the primary elections before the convention

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sold แน€495 Democratic Party NO

@BananaMuffin How is this going to resolve, assuming that the convention works out how it currently seems it will (Harris is chosen, no other options, but technically she isnโ€™t the nominee that the delegates are pledged to)?

@traders My thinking was always defining open nominating convention strictly, so in the case of the Democrats now, The Democratic Party should resolve YES. That's because these are Biden Delegates who are voting for Harris, so they aren't bound to the candidate they were originally bound to nominate and therefore the convention is Open

It looks like most of the action has come in on "no" since Harris has been coronated so I could've done a better job explaining this, because once Biden dropped out, this was always going to resolve as YES.

The Dems scenario is closest to Example 1: "Would resolve YES if Trump secured 50%+ of delegates and then was indicted and Republicans voted for another candidate at the convention (even if it only took 1 vote and was unanimous)" but since most people misinterpreted this, I have to assume this wasn't clear.

I think the fairest outcome would for me to resolve N/A for Dems due to this confusion. Let me know if anyone objects and your reasoning so I can resolve this fairly.

I think N/A would be more fair


Resolving N/A