Will there be more than 10,000 total lives lost in the Israel-Hamas conflict by the end of October?
resolved Nov 1

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predicted YES

I wish I could respond to reviews but i will say here that I am open to evidence that the death count is lower than 10,000 and will correct the resolution if presented credible evidence. I do not think it is credible or even an argument to simply state the Gazan health ministry is unbelievable so this is a misresolution.

predicted NO

@BTE Of course it is an argument. They have proven to exaggerate numbers in this war (see eg their reports on the Al-Ahli hospital explosion vs. independent organizations' estimated casualty count in the same incident - they exaggerated by a factor of 2 to 5!). You should not have resolved this question until more reliable data came out, such as by B'Tselem.

predicted YES

@chatterchatty I like the suggestion of using B'Tselem as the official source.I would even be willing to unresolve the market but keep it closed until they issue their official estimate as an independent group operating inside Gaza.

predicted NO

@BTE I would find that very agreeable. They have direct statistics on their site about the number of deaths that occurred at each date, including nationality and where they lived. Current stats are up to Oct 6; it might take them a while to get up to date since they verify each death individually.


@MarcusAbramovitch This was the smart money.

predicted YES

@BTE Should this be resolved YES? The totals on Wikipedia are >10k

bought Ṁ10 of NO

@georgeyw The accuracy of any of these numbers, except perhaps the Israeli death count, has not been verified and is probably unreliable

predicted NO

@BTE https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2023_Israel%E2%80%93Hamas_war

Under casualties and losses you will find death tolls and missing, and I'm sure you can just access the sources below and pick the most credible if you didn't want to resolve just based on wiki.

predicted NO

@Haws There's no credible source for most of these numbers yet.

predicted YES

7,000+ Palestinians killed in Gaza and 1,400+ Israelis killed with more than 700 Palestinians killed each day for the last 2 days.


predicted YES

@BTE What will be your source for information to determine a resolution? Please let us know, especially as you have now personally added a NO position in this market.

@TP8ac2 also over 1000 Palestinians killed in Israel itself, already takes it 10,000

predicted YES

To understand the methodology, as of today how many lives lost would there be?

predicted YES

@Emanuele98 I have to choose a source. I will get back to you shortly. Any recommendations for neutral source?

@BTE You won’t find one that is universally agreed to be neutral. But you should pick a mainstream one for this market to make sense.

predicted NO

@DanPowell I was gonna say UN so let’s use it.

bought Ṁ50 of YES

@BTE Are you going to exclude civilian refugee dead and missing? A large part of the anticipated total is from the denial of food, water, and medical care.

predicted NO

@DanPowell No those count. I see no reason to exclude them.

@BTE I would recommend using wikipedia for count, rather than UN figures?

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