Will Donald Trump smile in his mugshot if he is charged for a crime before he dies?
resolved Aug 25

Resolves YES if DJT is clearly smiling in his first official mugshot. Resolves NO if he is decidedly not smiling.

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predicted NO

It was released and he was not smiling


2 😃

2 😏

5 😠

bought Ṁ50 of NO

How does it resolve if no mugshot?

predicted YES

@BrunoJ I will keep it open until all trials are completed because of you are convicted you get another mugshot taken. This market will resolve on the first mug shot or N/A if none when all cases resolved.

predicted NO

Georgia has said that they will take his mug shot.

He has been charged. Not smiling in mug shot because no mug shot. How does this impact resolution?

predicted YES

@MartinRandall it's specified the market is asking about his first official mugshot and such has not yet occurred, no?

predicted YES

@MartinRandall First known mugshot. They take them for sure after convictions so we will wait until it happens.

predicted NO

I propose in lieu of an official mug shot that we use this image to settle this question:

Looks like a clear NO.

predicted NO

This is my prediction

bought Ṁ10 of NO

This is a great question, though I'm still confused what Trump is even potentially in trouble for; as Nixon said: Well, when the president does it, that means that it is not illegal

@DrP I like this one better.

These are official not smiling references

Example of nervous Trump smile.

Official reference for DJT smiling.