I would probably cap out at $500/month on my own, but if I was employed or had a business I could see up to $10,000/month. If I were managing 100 programmers, the $2 million/year OpenAI GPT-4 dedicated instances would be considered "cheap" for what you'd get.
These numbers assume "sufficiently good chatbots" though, and the chat part/personality is much less interesting than "ability to code", "ability to understand code or logs or complex documents", etc.
@Mira don't you think it depends on the price of the next best model and how big the difference in performance is between both of them?
If there were no other options then I agree with the 500$ max but if ChatGPT best model costs 500$ and Google releases one which is 5% worse but costs 20$ then I would probably get the Google one for my team instead of ChatGPT
@Soli The "maximum amount I'm willing to pay" is typically a much larger number than the amount I expect to pay. Most people don't state this maximum number out loud, probably because sellers would anchor to the bigger number when quoting a price. I agree $20 is a more reasonable anchor for a new competing chatbot.