Will more than 15.0% of US adults use marijuana in a typical month of 2022?
resolved Feb 2

The National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) surveys the proportion of people who have used marijuana in the last 30 days.

Will the NSDUH figure for 2022, when released, be above 15.0%?

The market resolves YES if the NSDUH percentage of people who have used marijuana in the last 30 days for 2022 is more than 15.0%, and resolves NO otherwise.

Usage stats:

2018: 10.5%

2019: 11.9%

2020: 12.4%

2021: 13.7%

See the NSDUH Detailed Tables for each corresponding year at https://www.samhsa.gov/data/all-reports

The data for each year may not be directly comparable as the NSDUH does change their survey methodology from year to year.

I'll endeavor to close the market after the figure has been posted on the NSDUH website.

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Confirmed resolves yes. nb the figure differs depending on the age range you use, but because the usage stats above are from the age range 18 and older I use that as an implicit indication that's the figure we're measuring.

bought Ṁ400 of YES

@B Resolves yes (15.9%):

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