How many posts will be published to the Astral Codex Ten Substack in May 2024?
Jun 1

This question will resolve to the total number of public posts published to the Astral Codex Ten Substack in the month of May 2024.

I will resolve the question based on how many posts I can view on June 1st, 2024.
If a post is made in May but deleted before the end of the month, it will not count towards the total.

For reference:
December 2024: 10

January 2024: 19
February 2024: 15
March 2024: 17
April 2024: 10 as of 04/22/2024

EDIT: We will only count public posts as my original counts in the description did not include subscriber-only posts due to them not being visible to me on the desktop site for some reason.

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@Athena This does not count subscriber-only posts, right?

@DanielTilkin No, only public posts.

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