Will Kanye 'Ye' West release a new album by the end of the year? (2023)
resolved Jan 1

There have been unconfirmed rumours about a new Kanye West album in the works and being potentially close to release.

An album in this market is qualified by any mixtape or EP as long as it has more than 5 full-length tracks (excluding shorter interludes, in the vein of Donda chant or skits for example).

In the event of a 'Donda 2' style release, where it's not available on streaming services or to be traditionally purchased, the market will resolve NO.

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@Arch1e What time zone?

predicted NO
predicted YES

this is my most stressful bet lol

I really threw mana at this like it was a sure thing and now I'm way more interested in the release of a Kanye album than I ever thought I would be.

predicted YES

damnit kayne lol

predicted YES

imagine he releases on Hanukkah...

@Blomfilter holy shit he did!!!!

If you guys are looking for arbitrage my market on this is a few percentage points different for some reason.

predicted NO

This man has a penchant for messy, drawn-out, never-ending rollouts. I don't see him letting go of this before January 1st. Unless Hitler's birthday is in December in which case he might make an exception for a sensational move like that 🙄

I made a similar market a while back when he got banned from twitter (when it was still called that). If you guys want an arb opportunity, it's trading at a distinctly different percentage.