Will Matt Welch's prediction of deadly political violence in the US in 2024 hold up?

Reason magazine's Matt Welch recently wrote an article predicting "deadly" political violence in US streets in 2024 (https://reason.com/2023/12/26/prediction-2024-will-see-deadly-political-violence-in-the-streets/). I'm somewhat skeptical, though I will concede he doesn't specify what he considers deadly.

After a bit of research, the US average for this sort of thing in the 21st century seems to be about 8 deaths yearly. 2020 had 19, which is I think a good benchmark for "unusually bad." I have a related question bucketing out some options.

I will resolve this question YES if the related question below resolves to 15 deaths or higher:

Any other situation should resolve NO. I don't see any obvious ways this could resolve N/A (other than the underlying market resolving N/A, but that shouldn't happen for any reason). If you guys have questions or want clarification on edge cases feel free to ask. I do intend to bet in this market, but not the underlying one.

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I was going to bet on this market, but then I realized that I'd have to spend more than 15 seconds caring about what Matt Walsh thinks.

predicts NO

@Lorxus Welch, not Walsh. I'm talking about one of the editors of reason magazine.