Will Twitter ban @Elonjet the account that monitors Elon Musk's plane before the end of 2023?
resolved Dec 14

Elon Musk has publicly stated how much he dislikes the twitter account that tracks the movement's of his private jet and previously offered $5,000 to its owner to delete it. He's described it as "a direct personal safety risk" but said his commitment to free spech extends to not banning that account. Will he keep to that or at some point in late 2022 or in 2023 will the account be suspended? If Twitter takes action against the account and suspends it in that time period this market will resolve Yes. If the account is suspended by the account owner rather than by Twitter this market resolves no.

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predicted YES

LLL musk! Keep losing.

predicted YES

Officially suspended.

@BTE good spot. I double checked and yes suspended so I have resolved the market.

No Ban but the account his now apparently subject to heavy visibility filtering: Twitter Account Tracking Elon Musk’s Private Jet Gets Shadow Banned (thedailybeast.com)

bought αΉ€500 of NO

Bots are really sure I'm wrong on this one.

bought αΉ€31 of YES
twitter bird in a cage


bought αΉ€50 of YES

I am shocked this hasn’t already happened. I thought it might be his first order of business.

bought αΉ€10 of YES

@BTE Same

Will Twitter ban @Elonjet the account that monitors Elon Musk's plane before the end of 2023?, 8k, beautiful, illustration, trending on art station, picture of the day, epic composition