End of day Israel time

both sides must agree

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@chrisjbillington The headlines have been very misleading on this today. The version Hamas "agreed" to was not what Israel proposed.

@chrisjbillington definitely a NO

@chrisjbillington Hamas agreed to release dead hostages, which Israel obviously will not agree to.


end of day for israel

End of May 6th local time in Israel/Gaza @strutheo? Or EDT, per market close date?

A ceasefire agreement resulting from the current negotiations may or may not happen, but if it does it could come down to the wire for this market's deadline.

Further, whilst asking for clarification in comments is good for unanticipated things, the need for dates to specify timezones is not unanticipated, you really should be specifying them in all your markets that involve deadlines.

I created a market for the deadline between this and the next weekโ€™s market:

bought แน€200 NO

Does an IDF victory count as a ceasefire? If the IDF announces that they has taken Rafah?

@nathanwei i dont think so, they'd have to do a lot more than rafah to eliminate hamas right, and hamas would keep fighting

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