What's the most believable conspiracy theory?
resolved Jul 2
Lizard people
Vaccines don't work
Moon landing was fake
The earth is flat
Vaccines cause autism
Earth is older than 6000 years old
Epstein didn't kill himself

If you'd like, justify yourself in the comments.

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Earth being 4.5B years old isn't a conspiracy theory at all.

vote for it then!

Why would I do that? The poll asks for a "the most believable conspiracy theory", not "the most believable theory". The age of the earth simply doesn't fit the definition of conspiracy theory.

"Poll - What's your favorite fruit?"
OP: Lists vegetable among options.

I outsource my critical thinking to ChatGPT.

This is not the own that you think it is. 🤷‍♀️

The Earth is older than 6000 years old though. Isn't it? Did you mean to write something else?

The moon landing was fake though, wasn't it?

@asmith i love it!