With project 2025 on the horizon: Think we'll have situations akin to SHIMONETA occurring thanks to outlawing porn?
The conservative party wins, project 2025 comes to pass, and something akin to the events in Shimoneta occurs due to the ban on pornography
The conservative party wins, project 2025 comes to pass, and something akin to the events in Shimoneta does not occur due to the ban on pornography
The conservative party wins, and project 2025 does not come to pass
The conservative party does not win, and project 2025 does not come to pass

In project 2025 (https://www.project2025.org) it is stated that they want to outlaw pornography. The outlawing of pornography and all knowledge of sex is literally the plot behind "SHIMONETA: A Boring World Where the Concept of Dirty Jokes Doesn't Exist". Who bets we're gonna have vigilantes spreading pornography on the streets once they're discontented enough? Or an illegal pornography trade... that's probably going to be the most likely.

Resolve conditions:

The conservative party wins the 2024 election, if not, option 4 resolves YES
->Project 2025 succeeds, if not, option 4 resolves yes


->The news reports that people are fighting against the pornography ban with increasingly lewder campaigns in some way before the 2028 election, if true, option 1 resolves YES, if not, option 2 resolves YES

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