Will a NATO country put boots on the ground in Ukraine before 1 Sept, 2024?
Sep 1

Yes if regular troops are put on the territory held by Ukraine on 24 Feb 2022 and acknowledged by their country or reported on by major western media outlets before 1 Sept 2024. Special operations including French foreign legion will not count, nor will police etc.

Update May 29: "Military instructors" like these articles



talk about will count as "regular troops".

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@smokey would troops sent to Ukraine to train Ukranian troops count?

@mint Oh, I didn't think about that case. So if they are there officially according to their country, or if msm say they are there it will have to count- that's how I would interpret the formulation.

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@smokey thanks for the clarification. There are some reports that France is going to officially send troops to Ukraine and they will train Ukranian troops but as far as I know it's not confirmed yet.

@mint I updated the question formulation with this, thanks!

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