Nov 6

per this tweet:

if Harris is the Democratic Presidential nominee, will Trump refuse to debate her? resolves for any reason given, whether it's as stated in the above tweet or something else. as Trump often makes inflammatory statements then recants, this market only resolves when it's absolute that there is not a debate and not when Trump makes a remark.

resolves NA if Harris is not the candidate

eta context from the comments:

when will the market resolve?

  • market resolves either when the two debate (No) or Election Day; any refusals or threats before then are insufficient to resolve this market as mentioned in the above description

what counts as a debate?

  • to reduce ambiguities, I will consider it a debate if it's called a Debate officially (by the host and participants); if it's marketed as a Town Hall or similar, I won't consider it a Debate

what if Trump's reasons are bad faith?

  • as the cited original tweet implies Trump may refuse for less-than-good-faith reasons ('illegitimate candidate'), I'll resolve based on his refusal even if it's due to strict and immovable conditions ("I won't debate her unless it's hosted by Fox News on Columbus Day and she wears an orange hat") and he tries to leverage this to shift blame to Harris; note that I'm trying to reduce the chances of a grey area but as none of us are sure what Trump will say, there is a nonzero chance of some subjectivity

    • adding more clarification due to another question. we're getting into the weeds a bit with semantics in this scenario but:

      • if Trump offers a debate with terms that could reasonably/technically be met (like only meeting on a network that's favourable to him) but Kamala refuses, I'm inclined to resolve this as No/not consider this for Yes if it's the final say on a debate.

      • if his statement is framed in such a way that it's the only way he'll debate her (akin to "I'm not debating her unless..."), that verbiage is more clearly a refusal and I'm inclined to resolve Yes if that's the final say/they don't debate.

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What does it resolve to if there is no debate because Kamala refused?

@GregMister the market is specifically for a Trump refusal...

is there some outlier scenario you imagine that doesn't fit the market description and want to clarify?

@GregMister Why are you making this political?

@shankypanky yes, how does it resolve in the scenario that for whatever reason Kamala refuses or cannot make it or whatever and there is no debate?

@shankypanky the current criteria seems to suggest it might resolve YES if there is no debate because Kamala declines

@Predictor genuinely funny if troll

Technically he could agree to one but refuse another, no?

edit: ill defer to question asker

when will the market resolve?

market resolves either when the two debate (No) or Election Day; any refusals or threats before then are insufficient to resolve this market as mentioned in the above description

the market resolves yes if he refuses and they never debate. as mentioned in the comments below and the market description, he's made plenty of statements about refusing to debate and then recants, suggesting they will or have agreed upon it. if they ever debate before election day, it resolves No at that point.

@Traveel The description makes more sense to me when I pretend the title is "Will Trump refuse to ever debate Harris?". If they ever debate, then the answer is obviously NO. If they don't ever debate, then @shankypanky will look at the record of statements by Donald Trump to see if he refused to ever debate Kamala Harris. Of course, I could be interpreting the description wrong. I hope they just debate so we don't have to deal with blame games like with /ChristopherKing/will-either-man-back-out-of-the-elo.

@shankypanky Yeah its gonna happen.. maybe twice

bought Ṁ10 YES

It's unlikely but I'll take a 10 mana flyer on a 6x opportunity lol.

Your details in the description have me thinking that maybe the debate won't happen but this might still resolve "no" (and correctly according to your explanations), but that would make me sad regardless lol

bought Ṁ500 YES

Trump has no upside and all downside from debating Harris. Easy trade for him.

The downside of refusing to debate is looking like a coward. However, Donald Trump can avoid a debate, while not quite "refusing to debate" (as defined for this question).

Is he historically bad at debates? Or is Kamala historically good? Not sure of the reasoning here

Trump has more upside than Kamala who is more of an unknown quantity in these settings. Not going to downplay her abilities but her variance is higher at this point

Harris has the lead right now. Debates are high variance events (see the very last presidential debate for one example). The debate risk was more heavy on Trump when this question was originally posed, but it has since shifted to Harris.

bought Ṁ2,000 NO

In 2016, and I think again in 2020 there was some kind of event where they both appeared in the same place one after one another, but not at the same time, and got asked questions by the same host (Matt Lauer in 2016, in an appearance that has aged very badly.)

If this was the only event - would this resolve Yes or No

I would not consider that a debate - sounds like a Town Hall?

I mean I agree would just rather clarify before it happens than after.

Sure, it's good to check now rather than arguing it out later. Effectively, this format won't prompt a No resolution.

Say the conditions are met for him refusing a classical debate format but they have an event like the one you describe above (and no other event) this resolves Yes. If he refuses a debate, they have a Town Hall instead, and they debate at some later date before the election, resolves No.

I can't imagine a news outlet calling that format a Debate so I hope they don't conflate terms tbh.

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