How many days after release will Deep Dip 2 be finished?
Jun 23

Deep Dip 2 is a very hard Trackmania 2020 map in Bennett Foddy style where players try to reach the top of the track without falling down. There are no checkpoints in the map so players needs to climb it in one go. Map trailer:

There is a prize for clearing the map, the total prize pool is currently at 26 000 USD (

The map has 16 floors, here is the current leaderboard:

I will be counting from the 3rd of May 18:00 UTC. How many days will it take from this timestamp until someone clears the map?

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Wow it's only been a day and people are already on the upper end of floor 5

bought Ṁ0 23-24 YES

@Porple Yeah, although I assume progress will start slowing down from here as they need to scale the entire tower for missed attempts