We've got a bunch of Lighthaven markets, but none specifically about Lighthaven's existence as a festival venue. Lightcone bought the Rose Garden Inn with a 5% loan, and is currently raising money. Lighthaven (the venue, not Lightcone) is currently slightly losing money.
The hypothetical event should be 3 days long, with room for at least 200 attendees, and be reasonably in good shape. Sleeping arrangements are not required.
I will resolve this by my asking @BenPace or @OliverHabryka at close date.
If Lightcone sells Lighthaven to another organization, I will make a reasonable inquiry at close date if Lightcone does not control Lighthaven.
Vaguely relevant links for Lightcone finances: https://donations.vipulnaik.com/donee.php?donee=Lightcone+Infrastructure
https://www.iliadconference.com/ and https://rootsofprogress.org/conference/
both appear to count (if either were held in June)! Good news for Lighthaven!
That article is riddled with numerous factual errors, and the author didn't even attend Manifest/LessOnline. But I'm not too knowledgeable on this specifically, @OliverHabryka knows more
@pdw The best way is to start an Intercom chat with us on Lighthaven.space, but you can also send me an email at oliver.habryka@gmail.com