Will the moderators successfully touch this poop market before the end of January 4?
resolved Jan 4

Will https://manifold.markets/Barker/-will-levi-finkelstein-eat-a-spoonf be resolved by the end of January 4?

It's a Levi market derivative. Bet at your own risk!

Here is the original market

Here is the video

This (more subjective) market is getting pretty heated, with the core question being "Is Kopi Luwak poop?"

The creator is inactive, so a mod will probably need resolve it. One moderator, Jacy, already gave up. SG is a kopi luwak enjoyer, so he could resolve it.

The market must stay resolved with no change in outcome for 48 hours, starting before the end of January 4.

I will not bet on this market.

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I thought there would be more complainers like Levi

bought Ṁ10 of YES

The 48 hour clock is TICKING.

I've already defended the resolution in the comments and the user appears to be SATISFIED.

The outcome of this market is heavily dependent upon the careful and tactful timing of a tag of SG in there.

I can tell you this much -- I'm not going to touch it!