Will Ukraine sever the Land Bridge to Crimea by November 30?
resolved Nov 30

Resolves YES if the following Metaculus question resolves before market close: https://www.metaculus.com/questions/13531/ukraine-to-cut-land-bridge-to-crimea-by-2024/

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predicted NO

I'm going to resolve this No to get people their mana back. I don't think nick will have a problem with this

predicted NO

@nickten can resolve?

FYI, there is a market on just Tokmak by Nov. 15th on insight below 10% already. https://insightprediction.com/m/243605/will-ukraine-retake-control-of-tokmak-by-november-15th


predicted YES

@Madeofmeat This question is about the conceptual Land Bridge (a land mass) not the Kerch bridge. I should of had that in the description, my apologies.