before 2026, will Telegram have given any government access to private messages of its users?
Dec 31

Before 2026, will Telegram, according to credible reporting, provide the contents of any private chat between two users to a government?

(It doesn’t count if a party to the chat authorizes this, if a party to the chat is affiliated with Telegram, or if only chat metadata- such as phone numbers, IP addresses, the time messages have been sent- is revealed by Telegram, but not any of the contents. It only counts if it happened in 2016-2025 inclusive. It doesn’t count if access to messages is gained by a government without cooperation from Telegram.)

to start trading!
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Do past instances count?

Yes, if occurred in 2016 or later. I’ll change the question title to “will telegram have shared …” to better represent this.

This includes both encrypted and non-encrypted messages?


Okay thanks, makes sense. Given that they have stored all these messages unencrypted and have said to collaborate with the Russian government for "combating terrorism", this seems very likely. Just the question whether someone will publish definitive proof

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