Will the world build a tent city for the 2 million people who flee Gaza?
resolved Jan 1

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predicted YES

Unfortunately, no temporary mass civilian evacuation to save lives has occurred.

bought Ṁ100 of NO

lol why is this market at 20%? Why would 2 million flee? And even if they wanted to, how? Egypt won't let them out. And even if they do, why would they flee to the same place? And if they do, who will help them?

bought Ṁ10 of NO

No, for two reasons. 1) Not all 2,000,000 million people will flee Gaza. 2) No other country wants them. Egyptian president Sisi said today (paraphrasing) "We will open Rafah and allow aid into Gaza. Don't come to Egypt."

bought Ṁ25 of NO

Where? In Egypt? On a giant raft in the Mediterranean?

predicted YES

@Hyperstition I was thinking about the Negev in Israel and the Sinai Desert in Egypt. There's a lot of room, and there is fossil water too.

bought Ṁ10 of NO

I guess it's very hard to find a place to build a city for 2 million people...

@yanitkit There is plenty of land - Most of that region is desert. In a dense high-rise city, that could be just 5 miles * 5 miles. Ie. one large farm.

The question is who will pay for it, and which country is happy to take in the citizens.

predicted YES

@OliverMattos There is the whole Sinai desert, parts of which have fossil water below the surface. The terrain is beautiful. (This is the land that Israel occupied between the Six Day War and the Camp David peace accords. Egypt has not made use of this land appropriately.) It could be the home of the Palestinian state.

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