@MrShrimp All it takes is one good stream till 80% and I dump it all. Plenty of meme potential and still has good rapport with all the orbiters except mr girl and the weirdos. EZ profit. If you want to make profit just set your limit to 25-40% YES. My limit order at 55% is almost filled so the stock is going to tank for the next week.
@2suen I wish you luck. I think you're giving SD far too much credit. When she's not on stream, she's generally disliked. When she's on stream not talking, she's disliked because she's just hanging out and not adding anything. When she speaks normally, she's disliked because she has nothing of value to add to the conversation. When she ults, she's disliked because she's still saying nothing but hurts the audience's ears.
The only gains I can see have to come from manipulation by a whale with nothing to lose. She's more likely to tank after an annoying stream than she is to be pumped for any other reason.
I stay away from this one since it's a tough bet, but I hope you come out on top.
@MrShrimp Did star fuck your mom? i bet she cucked you or something. I've never seen someone have such a massive hate boner over an individual in a fake money market. its weird behavior dog.