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This should just be closed. I doubt we will hear anything about her anymore.

@LauriNakari go away. I will continue to buy my queen


I bought the best rises in this stock and made a killing, now I'm back to short it to the ground. Lets GO

predicts SHORT



If you haven't sold by now... I'm sorry for your loss.

predicts BUY

@Tcvang I'm still up 150 OMEGALUL

It is time


it was never meant to be

predicts SHORT

I always knew, and my trades prove it.

@Yanick Brittany Simon alt account

predicts SHORT

@NGK nah don't give that unhinged woman the credit that I deserve.

I'd managram it to you if I could


Hope you're having fun

Can we get much higher :😇😇🙏🤲

I will keep this stock above 1000 because she deserves it we love Mel here

literally free money

predicts BUY

Oh shit time to get in low fellas! Some whale just gave us free monies

predicts BUY

If you're selling before 1000, all I have to say is what the MEL?

Melkers pulled us out of the Mr-Redacted Lav fallout, and she will deliver us again 八(^□^*)

@memestiny Is there a way to update the market to "STOCK"?

predicts SHORT

@MagniorBjornsson The Manifold admins are planning on converting these at some point, but at the moment the new market type has a lot of flaws and no real benefits over normal binary markets.

predicts SHORT

Well, looks like they just did it.

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