The 2024 Iowa Republican presidential caucuses will be held on January 15, 2024
@Pykess reminder to "point and call" your prediction market trades
I love election markets where there's little to no last minute polling. Pollsters don't want to waste money if Trump is going to win big I guess. DeSantis has a tiny edge over Haley in terms of actual Iowa polls. But Haley has the momentum, but it's hard to know if Iowa matches national trend and there's little national polling since mid December. That said, last minute momentum trade is a superstition I'm betting on.
@mattyb December 21st was the last time a poll was added at the state level. In lieu of closer data, people are betting based on national trends.
@Panfilo yea, makes sense. With Kim Reynolds’ endorsement and him campaigning in all 99 counties, I’m wagering this will be his only minuscule hurrah.
@mattyb Ever hear of Big Mo? Desantis is on the decline, which isn't historically the best posture to attract new supporters.