If I do I will post video proof.
It will be a table-spoon, non-topped.
Just got the worst email. I bet no for a reason. Please tell me you did not do this.
@JacobSztraicher He did not. That was coffee.
well, coffe from beans pooped out by animals
@jacksonpolack Yes. You can argue it is made from poop, but it certainly is not poop.
@levifinkelstein Lmao bro running a scandal
Where is the proof?
@MrLuke255 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5-lrLcT14Xc
@nikki A fellow kopi luwak enjoyer, I see
...do you want to?
Whose poop are we talking about?
@levifinkelstein Quality shitposting
@levifinkelstein how much of this is automated?
@NathanpmYoung most of it
@levifinkelstein AI tools?
@firstuserhere chatGPT and eleven labs
@levifinkelstein GPT-4 in ChatGPT? And music is done via?
@firstuserhere music is just some random beat I found, and gpt3.5
I certainly hope not 😭