
I am a 19 year old International student from Russia Stats:

  • Gender: Female

  • Ethnicity: white

  • private school

  • Intended major(s): CS, math


  • GPA: 4 UW

  • Rank: ( School does not have class rank )

  • Standardized Testing: (SAT) I haven't taken the test yet, presumably 1500+

  • Awards

  • 1. National

    Gold medal for excellent academic achievements and excellent exams

    2. Region/State

    winner of the 1st stage of the Biology Olympiad

    3. Region/State winner of the Olympiad in Fine Arts

    4. Region/State winner of the 2nd stage of the Biology Olympiad

    5. School

    award for excellent academic achievements

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How many Ivy League schools are you applying to?

I’m also curious, since you’re 19, you presumably have 2 years between high school and college. How are you spending that time?

I'm a Russian student with almost the same stats except I'm male so now I'm afraid to buy any option because then I'd also be in effect betting on myself 😭

What are your ECs?

Could you contact me via telegram or Twitter please? I would also like to ask you a few questions about admission :) @leahrgoldstein (or here on the DM manifold)

bought Ṁ25 YES

Go get it, Leah!