[Let's play] Civilization VI (Turn 96)
resolved Jun 14
Execute all instructions in @MattCWilson's comment on this answer.

Let's play Civ6!

Anyone can add instructions. Instructions can be composite, but are executed atomically (either fully or not at all). Upon market close I will try to interpret and act out the instructions in the game starting from the highest ranking instructions and progressing downward. Instruction that will obviously never be valid will be removed and resolve N/A. If an instruction doesn't make sense to me, if it is not (currently) possible to execute or if it is incompatible with a higher ranking instruction (fully or partially) it will be skipped. Once all instructions have been iterated over, I will go back over the list of skipped instructions to check if they are now possible to execute, if so they will be removed from the skipped list. This will be repeated until not further actions are possible. Instructions to retire or otherwise explicitly end the game early will not be executed and resolves N/A.

Executed instructions will resolve YES, skipped instructions will resolve NO. I reserve the right to (mis)interpret the instructions, but will try to be as conscientious as I can.

Once all instructions have been executed the turn will end. If units still have movement points after all instructions are executed the turn will be skipped for them. If there is still some action needed in order to end the turn, I will make a random choice of said action in order to progress.

Market will close at an arbitrary time between 18:00 UTC and 24:00 UTC.

If you want screenshots of other views, please feel free to ask for them and I will provide them as soon as possible.

Previous turn:

  • [YES] Execute all instructions in @MattCWilson's comment on this answer.


  • +1 era score for meeting new civ

  • Genghis Khan finished wonder Casa de Contractacion

  • Genghis Khan finished wonder Terracotta Army

  • Booger needs more housing

  • You earn an envoy (3 envoys available)

Diplomacy view(s):

(higher resolution)

Conditioned on non-dismissive response:

(higher resolution)

World view(s):

(higher resolution)

(higher resolution)

(higher resolution)

(higher resolution)

(higher resolution)

Full map view:

(higher resolution)

Link to market for previous turn.

Link to side markets.

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Next turn:

@komplexkonjugat may I see:

  1. City yields view, all cities.

  2. Gossip view, filtered on Genghis Khan.

  3. Appeal view centered over Torres del Paine.

  4. Great People view.

  5. City States view.

  6. Main diplomacy screen with Genghis.

No gossip on Ghengis.


Execute all instructions in @MattCWilson's comment on this answer.

Greetings from in-flight wifi!

  1. Genghis - honor to meet you, love to sample your hospitality, that hat is sick bro

  2. Attempt to send delegation to Genghis.

  3. Attempt to offer friendship to Genghis.

  4. Set map tack on hex two northeast of Gyatt, title "t100".

  5. Manifold - clear build queue. Set production to industrial zone, located one hex northwest, one west of city. Then, clear build queue again, and queue: builder, industrial zone.

  6. Ermagherd - set build queue after lighthouse to: ancient walls, granary.

  7. Gyatt - purchase tile two hexes west of the city.

  8. Gyatt - purchase tile two rows south of the city.

  9. Add text to map tack of Mausoleum of Halicarnassus - "21t".

  10. Builder in Manifold - build lumber mill.

  11. Builder in Booger - set destination one hex northwest, one west. If possible, remove the pasture.

  12. Builder in Ermagherd - set destination one hex northeast, one east. If possible, build fishing boats.

  13. Alfonzo - set destination four hexes northwest.

  14. Bartholomew - set destination two hexes east of Landing Site map tack.

  15. SS Albatross - set destination eight hexes west.

  16. Sell diplomatic favor, one at a time, to the bidder offering the largest amount of one time gold, until either we run out or no one's buying.

Delegation rejected
Friendship rejected

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