This market will resolve YES if any official U.S. federal government body or authorized representative announces a delay or suspension of the 2026 midterm elections scheduled for November 3, 2026. Resolution source: Official statements from the Federal Election Commission (www.fec.gov) or Congressional Record (www.congress.gov).
Background The U.S. midterm elections are constitutionally mandated and scheduled for November 3, 2026. Federal elections have never been delayed or suspended in U.S. history, including during the Civil War, World War II, and the COVID-19 pandemic.
Resolution Criteria
Market resolves YES if any of the following occur before November 3, 2026:
The Federal Election Commission (FEC) issues an official statement announcing a delay or suspension of the 2026 midterm elections
Congress passes legislation that is signed into law delaying or suspending the elections
A Presidential executive order or emergency declaration explicitly delays or suspends the elections
Any other official federal government body with proper authority announces a delay or suspension
Market resolves NO if:
No such announcement is made before November 3, 2026
State or local governments attempt to delay elections without federal authority
Officials merely discuss or propose delays without formal action
The elections proceed as scheduled on November 3, 2026