Will I be promoted to Diamond for Season 2 of the Manifold leagues?
resolved Jun 1

This market resolves as YES if I am promoted to Diamond rank for the Manifold season beginning in June 2023. Otherwise, it resolves as NO.

As of May 31, 2023, I am at Platinum rank, and ranked #3 in my group. As long as I am ranked #5 or above by the end of the season, I will advance to Diamond rank. It is probably impossible for me to be demoted to Gold rank this season. (Currently, I am about 2000 mana above #6, and 6000 mana above #21.)

This market resolves as N/A if Manifold cancels the league system before the end of May (which would make me very sad). Since the market's resolution criteria are not entirely within my control, I reserve the right to bet on this market; I am actively trying to get this market to resolve as YES, but that does not mean I will succeed. In June, I will provide a link to my Season 2 rank group to prove that I am either Diamond or Platinum rank, and then immediately resolve this market to YES or NO depending on which rank I am in.

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predicted YES

Resolves as YES because the finalized rankings have me at Rank 3, which promotes to Diamond. Here's the link to my group, as proof.

predicted YES

@evergreenemily Huh, I'm at rank 2 now. I assume the more recent rankings are correct, but I'm not 100% sure. Either way, I'm certainly in the top 5, so I feel confident that resolving this as YES was the correct decision.

predicted YES

YES looks inevitable, but I'm not actually resolving this market until my league placement for June is official. It'll be in less than an hour, I assume.

predicted YES

@evergreenemily in 38 minutes the leagues will enter a 'pseudo-random' stage, where a secret time from +0 to +24 hrs will be picked, when the actual leaderboard will be frozen and finalized. Distribution of users into their new divisions and cohorts might take even longer, but I think at most 3 days.

predicted YES

* 35 min

predicted YES

@MayMeta Oh, interesting! Thank you for telling me, it gives me a way better idea of when I can expect to resolve this.

predicted YES
bought Ṁ5 of YES