Will the Long Cramer Fund outperform the Inverse Cramer Fund in 2023?
resolved Jan 1

Resolves YES if the Long Cramer Fund https://www.crameretfs.com/ljim has higher YTD total return at the end of 2023 than the Inverse Cramer Fund https://www.crameretfs.com/sjim, otherwise NO. (Total return includes dividends, if any)

Both ETFs launched today at $25.


TV personality Jim Cramer may be the most well-known stock picker. Now, investors can capitalize on the “Mad Money” host’s recommendations — right or wrong — with the launch of two actively managed ETFs.

Tuttle Capital Management announced the launch of the Inverse Cramer Tracker ETF (CBOE: SJIM) and the Long Cramer Tracker ETF (CBOE: LJIM), both of which begin trading on the CBOE today. The ETFs offer investors “one-ticker” access to take sides on what Cramer publicly recommends on CNBC or Twitter.

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Agree. Can resolve yes

Resolves YES. Long Cramer is up and inverse Cramer is down. This market already resolved no and we are comparing to a positive benchmark https://manifold.markets/MatthewSlotkin/the-inverse-cramer-tracker-etf-sjim?r=VG9ieUJX

@jack The long cramer fund got shut down. Inverse still exists. How does this change resolution?

predicted NO

@Shump Hmm, that's too bad.

I think one reasonable option would be to compare the performance from inception to closing of the long fund vs the YTD performance of the short fund, which we can reasonably say is technically in line with the resolution criteria, and also close enough to what the question was trying to capture (since the long cramer fund ended at 26.56, only slightly up from the starting 25.)

Another reasonable option would be to N/A, of course.

Any thoughts?

predicted YES

@jack I'm abstaining because I have a stake in your decision, but I think both decisions are justifiable.

predicted NO

Ok, I'm going to go with the "compare the performance from inception to closing of the long fund vs the YTD performance of the short fund" method.