Will Starship successfully relight and burn a Raptor engine while in space?
resolved Mar 14
Relight is not attempted
Successful (relights and burns until intended shutdown)

In the 3rd Starship flight test, SpaceX intends to do "the first ever re-light of a Raptor engine while in space" - https://www.space.com/spacex-starship-third-test-flight-objectives. Will it succeed?

For this question, a success is defined as any engine relighting while in space and running until intended shutdown.

E.g. if SpaceX states that they commanded an early shutdown due to any problem, that's a failure. It would also resolve unsuccessful if Starship explodes for any reason before the burn completes, regardless of whether it's due to an engine problem. Only one engine completing the relight and burn is sufficient for YES even if others fail.

If the mission never attempts the engine relight, for example because Starship explodes before it can happen or they just decide not to attempt it, resolves to "Relight is not attempted".

This question is about the IFT-3 mission specifically. If the mission is renamed but substantially the same mission, that still counts. But if the mission is cancelled, resolves to "Relight is not attempted".

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Starship did not attempt its planned on-orbit relight of a single Raptor engine due to vehicle roll rates during coast.


Where is the option for or how does it resolve if successfully relight but doesn't run for intended duration?

@ChristopherRandles that is just unsuccessful

For this question, a successful engine relight is defined as the engine relighting and running until intended shutdown.

@jack So question is about successful burn not about just starting the engines.

@ChristopherRandles yes, I will edit to make that clear. Two reasons: I didn't want to have scenarios where it relights for half a second and we have to figure out if that was a success or not. And I figured having another option for that would be unnecessarily complicated.