Will Google require US employees to work from the office >=3 days/week for the rest of 2022?
resolved Jan 3
Google's current policy is that employees must work from the office at least 3 days a week. (Employees were able to request deferrals, and fully remote workers are exempt, but this is the general policy that applies to most employees.) Resolves YES if most US employees continue to have to work from the office at least 3 days a week for the rest of 2022. Resolves NO if at any point in 2022 Google's policy changes such that most employees do not have to. Example situations that would resolve NO include: - Google reduces the office requirement to 2 days/week - Google temporarily closes offices or temporarily allows employees to work from home due to a new Covid surge. A temporary change in policy of any duration qualifies for a YES resolution. I will try to resolve based on Google's policy for the majority of US employees. For example, if just one office is closed due to local conditions, that would not be sufficient for a YES resolution. Typo: In the last two paragraphs I said YES where I meant NO - it should be obvious from context but sorry for the mistake! Related: https://manifold.markets/jack/will-masks-be-required-in-sfba-goog
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@jack Looks like they never pulled the policy. This seems like a YES to me.

Pretty sure this is a YES, if there is any info otherwise let me know

Curious what Gleangen says about this!