Will a room-temperature atmospheric pressure semiconductor be in a commercially available smartphone before 2025?
resolved Aug 11

Just a poll, you don't win or lose any mana on this. Vote what you think the answer is!

PSA: This is about "semiconductors" not potential roomtemperature superconductors like LK-99. See comments for more info!

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Ack you got me

This is a meme/joke question. The question says semi conductor, not super conductor. If you're reading this, you can use that to inform your poll vote :)

I joked that this was the sort of deceptive/fraudulent question that some bad users might create to trick people out of mana, and then unfortunately they did create it (at least they arrived at the idea independently instead of getting it from me): see https://manifold.markets/jack/will-the-deceptive-semiconductor-ma

Here's a poll version of the question so that people can enjoy the meme without anyone getting tricked out of mana.