When will a new prize point market be created?
Aug 24
Before 10-01
Before 2025
Before 07-31
Before 08-03
Before 08-07
Before 08-15
Before 09-01

It has been a while since any prize point markets were created. As of time of making this market, there is only one prize point market available.

Each answer will resolve YES immediately if any market is added as a prize point market before the given date, otherwise NO. (Pacific time)

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We have the same question here about the definition of prize points as on several other markets like https://manifold.markets/mattyb/the-pivot-will-manifold-ever-give-a and https://manifold.markets/Bayesian/when-will-manifold-give-a-cash-payo. Both authors ruled the same way, that a spiritual successor to prize points counts (presumably cash payouts but maybe a separate currency), and that would be my inclination as well here. Any thoughts or objections? I have closed it temporarily in the meantime since it looks like Nikki probably traded in relation to this.

Btw I have a related market here that had a definition that was able to handle this ambiguity without any problem.

I haven't heard any objections. Pinging @nikki in case you want to chime in or sell your shares when I reopen.

@jack I anticipate no more prize point markets will be created, but the existing ones will remain labeled as prize markets. All new ones going forward will be duplicated mana markets, and only trade in a separate currency (Mana Cash or something similar). Of course, this is all subject to change. So I don't think PP markets are the same as the new sweepstakes markets, assuming they don't remove the old PP label.

@nikki my point above is that a market that can be potentially redeemed for cash prizes is a successor to prize points and has been ruled to count on the similar markets I linked.

What’s a prize market?

Markets that pay out prize points that in the future are planned to be redeemable for cash: https://news.manifold.markets/p/exploring-cash-prizes-for-good-predictions