How many times will someone comment "pampu" on Dr P's Trump presidency by 9/11 market?
resolved Aug 4

On this market how many times will the word "pampu" appear in the comments by 9/11?

  • A single comment that includes it twice will count for 2.

  • Comments by anyone count

  • If the number if >40, resolves to 40.

    Jul 15, 5:43pm: Any occurrence of the string "pampu" will count - doesn't have to be its own word. E.g. "unpampu" would also count.

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bought Ṁ10,000 of HIGHER
The count hit 40 so resolving 40
bought Ṁ385 of HIGHER
@jack actually technically there were only 39 “pampu”s - the others were different variations of the word and punctuation. Seems like this was resolved prematurely.
The number of occurrences of the string "pampu" was 40, as shown by ctrl-f. The resolution criteria were very clear that variations of punctuation wouldn't matter.
Pampu pampu pampu pampu pampu pampu pampu pampu pampu pampu pampu pampu pampu pampu pampu pampu!
The fact that this is not per unique users makes it very much a #marketformoving
@JoyVoid Yeah, unfortunately. My original thought was I wanted to forecast how many times Dr P would say "pampu", which is of course manipulable.
bought Ṁ1 of HIGHER
This is a fantastic market. I’m pampu-ing it higher!
bought Ṁ20 of HIGHER
Daddy likey!
bought Ṁ100 of HIGHER
I don't feel like doing it, but I'm sure someone will.