Each word/phrase resolves YES if any presidential candidate says it during the first Trump vs Harris presidential debate (currently scheduled for September 10); otherwise NO.
Plurals, possessives, and contractions count but otherwise an exact match is required, see specific rules below.
If no debate takes place before election day, all answers resolve NO.
The exact word or sequence of words must be said without any differences, except for the following rules:
Plurals (e.g., "cat" and "cats") are considered equivalent.
Possessives, e.g. "Trump's" counts as an instance of "Trump" (but not vice versa)
Contractions count the same as the words they represent e.g., "don't" is equivalent to "do not"
Some examples of words which are not considered the same (not an exhaustive list!)
Abbreviations, e.g. USA is not the same as "United States of America"
Verb tenses, e.g. running vs ran are not the same
Other word forms like America and American are not the same
Parts of words, e.g. "Obamacare" does not count as an instance of "Obama"
Additional notes for clarity:
Any usage counts regardless of context.
Different meanings of a word, e.g. Apple the company or apple the fruit count as the same word
Different capitalizations e.g., "Apple" and "apple" are counted as the same word.
Different spellings of a word due to regional variations are counted as the same word (e.g., "color" and "colour," "organize" and "organise")
It's a verbal debate so this shouldn't matter but just for clarity. E.g. in case someone spells the word out, the spelling wouldn't matter.
Anyone can add answers but moderators may moderate new answers at their discretion (e.g. clarifying or N/A-ing them). Moderators are also welcome to resolve as soon as they hear the words said during the debate.
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@windysoup Yes, guns = gun. I will have missed some, will resolve everything once the transcript is out.
@jack Trump says Fraud around 1:35 talking about the FBI statements around violent crime (ABC Stream)
@Yiddishe_Kupp1980 Has to be said by a candidate (Harris just said it) as per
Each word/phrase resolves YES if any presidential candidate says it during the first Trump vs Harris presidential debate (currently scheduled for September 10); otherwise NO.
@PlasmaBallin The full text of the answer has to be said, so yes for Xi Jingping, but Putin is sufficient for Putin.
The exact word or sequence of words must be said without any differences, except for the following rules:
Mods are also welcome to resolve anything said during the debate, I'll be trying to resolve some as it goes and resolve anything remaining once we have a transcript.