Will Elon Musk be Twitter's CEO through 2023?
resolved Jun 6

If Elon Musk remains in charge as CEO of Twitter through December 31st, 2023, this market will resolve to "Yes".

If he steps down or leaves for whatever reason, even if temporarily, this market will resolve to "No".


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@itsTomekK Resolves NO

he still has a month and a half to change his mind, and there's a lot of backlash. Buying YES at 1% chasing my losses

I don't know what's going on but I guess it's free money.

@na_pewno There was mana laundering going on

@Dreamingpast now it is over since all limit orders are hit, so i will be exiting with 500 mana loss :)

predicted NO

Tangent: I just now searched "executive chair" and... well, I don't know why I expected something different.

'through 2023-12-31' meaning that if he steps down for one day, but becomes CEO again by and on 2023-12-31, still NO? It has to be continuous?

predicted NO

@XComhghall In the description:

If he steps down or leaves for whatever reason, even if temporarily, this market will resolve to "No".

@deagol Just to confirm my understanding of the preposition through

It refers to the entire period from 2022-11-01 to 2023-12-31,

Temporarily as in any duration of time within that period,

Not just on 2023-12-31, right?

@XComhghall again, the description clarifies it’s NO “even if temporarily

predicted NO

@XComhghall I can’t speak for @itsTomekK but I don’t see any ambiguity. Also see their response here where I thought the description did leave some room for interpretation.

predicted NO
predicted YES

i am salty about getting past-posted for 25k. MM limit orders too large

This market is undervalued, the odds of Elon Musk either joking or changing his mind have to be higher than 5%.

predicted NO

@ShakedKoplewitz lol yeah, I bought a lot of NO then had a flash going through my mind that this was some funny muskiboy troll

predicted NO


I mean, it had an impact on Tesla stock.

predicted NO

@ShadowyZephyr In what direction?

predicted NO

@cloudprism I think TSLA holders were expecting/hoping he would stop working full time at Twitter and go feed the golden goose.

predicted NO

@Gen lithium goose

predicted YES
predicted NO
predicted NO


predicted YES

How does this market resolve if the new ceo is Elonna Musk and she looks like Elon in a wig

@viluon Can anything he tweets be seen as more than 90 percent series, especially without naming a name? 5M on YES.

predicted NO

@Jason I find that he trolls way less on these kind of things tbh.

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